Home grown herbs provide a constantly available source of fresh culinary flavouring, which can be used with a wide variety of foods. They are also attractive plants for the garden and are easy to grow.

At a glance;

Planting time Any time but spring is best

Position Warm sunny site

Soil conditions Free draining soil enriched with compost

Quality plants from your garden centre

Harvest Trim regularly for culinary use and fresh growth


Selecting the site

Herbs can be grown in their own part of the garden, preferably close to the kitchen door, or they can be mixed with other flowering plants. When grown at the edge of the garden, their scents can be enjoyed when brushed and picked. 

Ground covering plants such as thymes and chamomile can be grown between paving stones to release their fragrance when walked on.

Almost all herbs are hardy, tolerating adverse conditions and neglect better than most plants. (Although basil will not do well outside until the soil temperature is above 18 deg. C – best to grow this one in a pot). They grow best in sunny open positions and almost any soil types.

The soil

Herbs enjoy a free-draining soil that is enriched with compost. Except for sorrel, all like alkaline conditions so a light dressing on lime in autumn and general fertiliser in spring will keep them nourished. 

Herbs do well in pots and containers. Use good quality ican Premium Potting Mix, and add ican Slow Food as a slow release feed.

When to plant

Herbs can be planted any time of year but if setting up a new garden, spring is always a good time.

How to plant

When planting herbs together, allow space between each plant to grow to full size. Rosemary will grow wide and tall, thymes will sprawl, and sage and parsley can be bushy. Keep taller types at the back so they don’t overshadow the lower growing ones. Mint and tarragon will quickly overrun a garden so keep these restricted in their own pots, buried into the garden.

Feeding & watering

Water them regularly especially through their growing months, adding liquid ican Fast Food for a healthy boost.


Keep on top of weeds so the herb plants don't get smothered and are easier to harvest. Hand weeding is best to get access around each herb plant.


Regular picking will keep their size in balance and stimulate fresh growth. Thyme, chives and rosemary flowers will attract bees so you may wish to leave some parts of these plants to flower.

The following list includes some favourite herbs and how they can be used in the garden:

Light shade:
Angelica, bergamot, chervil, lemon balm, lovage, mint, parsley

Lavender, rosemary, sweet bay laurel, pelargonium

Creeping rosemary, carpet thymes

Roman chamomile, carpet thymes, pennyroyal

Bergamot, mint, sages, tansy, thymes, yarrow

Silver foliage:
Catmint, catnip, lavender, santolina, thyme

Edible flowers:
Bergamot, borage, pineapple sage

For bees:
The flowers of borage, chives, sage, thyme, marjoram, mint, oregano, catmint, rosemary, lavender.


Herbs are accommodating little plants and a useful assortment can be grown if a sunny windowsill is the only space available. 

The versatility of potted herbs makes them invaluable in any setting. And because they are movable, they can be readily shifted about to either follow the sun or keep in the shade. Growing parsley in the shade will delay flowering, making the leaves usable over a longer period.

Some herbs such as basil, dill and parsley can be raised from seed outdoors in summer and transplanted into pots in the autumn for wintering in the kitchen. They will not last indefinitely indoors so take fresh cuttings or divisions each autumn. Always use a quality potting mix to ensure plants produce their best. 

Drying and storing

The flavour and essence of herbs can be enjoyed long after summer has passed by harvesting and preserving them in several different ways. By observing a few basic rules, herbs can be harvested when their valuable qualities are at their best.

  • Gather herbs early in the morning after the dew has dried and before the sun gets hot
  • Never harvest damp herbs for storage as they quickly deteriorate
  • Handle with care to avoid bruising the leaves
  • Harvest and process one herb at a time to avoid flavours becoming mingled
  • Culinary herbs such as basil, sage, parsley, thyme, chervil, coriander and salad burnet develop a bitter flavour when mature. Always use young leaves, harvesting them before flower stalks form.

Drying is most suitable for twiggy shrubs such as thyme, sage, lavender and rosemary. Pick stems and tie small bunches of each herb with string or cotton and hang in a warm dry dark place which is well ventilated. Do not expose herbs to extremes of heat or light as they will likely turn brown and lose flavour. Lavender and rosemary hold their fragrance well when dried.

Freezing is better suited for herbs with tender leaves such as mint, basil, parsley, chives, and dill if intended for cooking. If they are to be used within six weeks, they can be washed and frozen fresh from the garden. For longer storage, they need to be blanched. Freezer life is about six months.

In the kitchen

A small selection of fresh and dried herbs will enhance the simplest recipes throughout the year. Tasty combinations to try:

  • Beef – rosemary, savory, majoram, thyme
  • Lamb - rosemary, savory, majoram, mint, dill
  • Pork - rosemary, sage, majoram
  • Veal - rosemary, savory, sage, lemon balm, lemon thyme
  • Ham - parsley, sage, majoram
  • Chicken – parsley, tarragon, thyme, majoram
  • Duck - rosemary, savory, sage, thyme
  • Fish – basil, chervil, chives, thyme, sage, dill, parsley
  • Cheese – basil, caraway, chives, dill, majoram, mint, tarragon, thyme, sage
  • Beans – savory
  • Cucumber – mint, parsley, chives, dill
  • Tomatoes – basil, mint, parsley, chives
  • Salads – basil, borage, chervil, chives, dill, lemon balm, mint, parsley, savory, tarragon
  • Vegetables – basil, chives, mint, parsley, rosemary, savory
  • Fruit – borage, lemon balm, mint, rosemary.